Meet Debbie, author, leader, and woman of God

Head_shots_003[1]     Debbie Sprinkle, chemist, teacher, leader, writer. God does move in mysterious ways!

Originally from St. Louis, Debbie received her bachelor degree in chemistry from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She worked as a research chemist for many years at both St. Louis University Medical School and Washington University Medical School, and is co-author of two professional articles arising from her work with those institutions. In 1991, she and her family moved to Memphis, where Debbie completed her teaching certification at what was then called Memphis State. She taught chemistry for ten years at a private girls’ school in Memphis before retiring.

When Debbie Sprinkle retired from teaching in 2004, she planned on doing three things:  attend the women’s Bible study at her church, join a local book club, and write a mystery novel.   She began going to Bible study on Wednesday mornings, and when her local library started a book club, she was one of the charter members.

After two years, Debbie was asked to be one of the Bible study leaders, and she has been humbly leading women to the heart of God ever since. In 2009, she was asked to be part of a group that attended the She Speaks Christian Writers’ Conference put on by Proverbs 31 Ministry.  After that, Debbie began writing questions for studies, using her gift for connecting the written word to Biblical truths.

It was at the 2009 conference that Debbie got to know Kendra Armstrong.  And it was their friendship that led to her first book, Common Sense and an Uncommon God, published in 2012 by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. The second edition was later released under the title of Exploring the Faith of America’s Presidents.

While working on their book, Kendra and Debbie discovered the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers’ Conference held every May outside Asheville, North Carolina. She has gone every year since and in 2016, won First Place in the Short Story category, and in 2017, Debbie won First Place in Articles and Third Place in Unpublished Books for her first Romantic Suspense novel, Deadly Guardian. 

Recently, Debbie has signed with Cyle Young of Hartline Literary Agency.